This post is regarding "Determination of Quality of Backfill Compaction" underneath existing pavements/slabs on grade. The needed properties/parameters are as follows:
1. Subsurface Soil Exploration (SPT Nvalues of underlying soils)
2. Navfac 7.1 for correlation charts
3. Soils in Construction by W.L. Schroeder for correlation charts
4. Effective stress at level in question
To determine the quality of backfill compaction, the effective stress at level in question should be computed using the formula Po = γh (for unsaturated soil). Note that effective or submerged unit weight (γ-9.81kN/cu.m.) must be used if the water table is within the height or depth in question. γ is the unit weight of soil and h is the depth in question.
After obtaining the effective stress, refer to the example on the left for SPT=3 BPF and Effective stress = 36 kPa (0.751ksf) at -2.0M. The chart below is taken from Navfac 7.1 to determine Relative Density.
Relative Density are commonly used for cohesionless soils. It is defined as:
Relative density is a dimensionless ratio of the densities of two materials. The term specific gravity is similar, except that the reference material is water. A relative density can help quantify the buoyancy between two materials, or determine the density of one "unknown" material using the "known" density of another material. Mathematically, relative density is expressed as:
where G is the relative density, and ρ is the densities of the two materials in the same units (e.g., kg/m³, g/cm³). (
where G is the relative density, and ρ is the densities of the two materials in the same units (e.g., kg/m³, g/cm³). (
It is shown in the figure above that the Relative Density is equal to 15 %. This value will be used in determining the Relative Compaction, RC using a correlation from "Soils in Construction" by W.L. Schroeder as shown on the right.
Projecting the value of relative density down to the line of relative compaction will give the value of relative compaction. In this expample, it is 84%. Thus, the very low RC represents little or no compactive effort.